About the Programme
The Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” was approved by the European Commission on 09/09/2015 by Decision C(2015)6283.
The total budget (ERDF and national contribution) for the European Territorial Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” is €130,262,836.00 .The total financing consists of €110.723.408 (85%) ERDF funding and €19.539.428 (15%) national contribution.

The priority axes are:
- PA 1: A Competitive and Entrepreneurship Promoting Cross-Border Area
- PA 2: A Sustainable and climate adaptable Cross-Border area
- PA 3: A better interconnected Cross-Border Area
- PA 4: A socially inclusive Cross-Border area
- PA 5: Technical Assistance
Project Title
Strengthening the entrepreneurship culture and collaboration in the eligible programme area (STRENGTHEN)
About the project
“STRENGTHEN” project aims at capacity building through the provision of non-formal, general adult education and the formulation of a joint strategy for the enhancement of collaboration in the cross-border area (in addition to business support and actions targeting the entrepreneurship climate).

Project info
Priority Axis:
1 – A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Specific Objective:
To Improve entrepreneurship SME support systems
527.900,00 €
Project Beneficiaries